IOP Data

Note: Data obtained from this site is available for use. Not all data has been completely quality assured and therefore users are urged to perform their own quality checks. All users accept any risks associated with use of the data. Please acknowledge the DOE Chemical and Biological National Security Program in any publications.

October 2000 Urban Field Experiments in Salt Lake City

IOP Specific Data

1 2000/10/02 1500 2000/10/03 0400 Shakedown with 2 mobile vans only.SF6 point release at 2 g/s from 00-01 and at 1 g/s from 02-03. No PFTs.
2 2000/10/06 1500 2000/10/07 1200 First full tracer experiment. SF6 line release at 1g/s from 00-01, 02-03, 04-05. Six vans operating.Downtown PFTs from 00-06.
3 2000/10/07 1500 2000/10/08 1200 No tracers. High winds- no balloon flights after 2100.
4 2000/10/08 1500 2000/10/09 1200 Second full tracer experiment. SF6 line release.
5 2000/10/14 1500 2000/10/15 1200 Third full tracer experiment. SF6 line release.
6 2000/10/16 1500 2000/10/17 1200 No tracers.
7 2000/10/17 1500 2000/10/18 1200 Fourth full tracer experiment. SF6 line release
8 2000/10/19 1500 2000/10/20 1200 Fifth PFT tracer experiment. All PFT samplers deployed. No SF6
9 2000/10/20 2100 2000/10/21 0300 Fifth SF6 tracer experiment. SF6 point release at 2 g/s from 21-22, 23-00, 01-02. (higher winds).
10 2000/10/25 1500 2000/10/26 1200 Sixth full tracer experiment. SF6 point release. (higher winds)


  1. IOP start time is start of first balloon ascent - 15 MST for IOPs 1-8 &10; 21 MST for IOP 9.
  2. IOP stop time is end of PFT and SF6 tracer sampling (excluding 4 multi-day PFT samplers).
  3. Shakedown SF6 experiments occurred on IOP 1.
  4. Full SF6 experiments occurred on IOPs 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10.
  5. Full PFT experiments occurred on IOPs 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10.
  6. Two downtown PFTs released continuously from 00-06 MST.
  7. Two basin PFTs released continuously from 22-06 MST.