- Principal Investigator: Jerry Allwine, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Proposal Title: "Field Studies for Testing and Refining Atmospheric Dispersion Models"
Research Goals: This research project will provide field data to CBNP model developers for testing and improving the hierarchy of atmospheric models used to simulate dispersion in urban atmospheres. The proposed tracer and meteorological experiments, to be conducted in Salt Lake City in the Fall of 2000, will provide a unique set of atmospheric dispersion data covering transport scales from individual buildings on through the urban-scale to the regional scale. The focus of Salt Lake City experiments is to characterize the dispersion around multiple buildings.
Equipment Deployed: Tracer samplers, miscellaneous meteorological instruments.
- Principal Investigator: Kirk Clawson, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / Air Resources Laboratory - Field Research Division
Proposal Title: "Tracer Studies in Urban Environments"
Research Goals: The objective of this research is to characterize atmospheric dispersion in urban environments using tracer techniques. The focus of the Salt Lake City investigations is to measure atmospheric dispersion in and around downtown Salt Lake City.
Equipment Deployed: Tracer samplers, radar wind profiler, RASS, sodar, miscellaneous meteorological instruments.
- Principal Investigator: Joe Shinn, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Proposal Title: "Urban Field Experiments and Model Validation"
Research Goals: The objective of this research is to assure that numerical simulation models for chemical/biological agent incident response, developed by CBNP investigators, are technically and operationally validated. One component of this research is to conduct field experiments in urban settings to gather meteorological and tracer data for model validation. Characterizing dispersion around a single building is the focus of the Salt Lake City field effort.
Equipment Deployed: Tracer samplers, meteorological towers, sodar, miscellaneous meteorological instruments.
- Principal Investigator: Jim Bowers, US Army Dugway Proving Ground
Proposal Title: "Meteorological Measurements in Urban Environments"
Research Goals: The objective of this research is to characterize the wind, temperature and turbulence structure in urban environments. The focus of the Salt Lake City investigations is to help characterize the meteorology in the vicinity of downtown Salt Lake City. A secondary objective of the Salt Lake City efforts is to help characterize the vertical structure of winds and temperature over an unobstructed slope on the west side of the Salt Lake Valley.
Equipment Deployed: Radar wind profiler, tethersonde, sodar, radiosondes, miscellaneous meteorological instruments.
- - Department of Energy
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- NOAA - Air Resources Laboratory, Field Research Division
- Dugway Proving Grounds
- British Defense and Evaluation Research Agency
- Vaisala Corporation (Helsinki)
- Coherent Technologies, Inc. (Denver)
- Litton Data Systems (Virginia)
- Army Research Laboratory